first day was very exciting.....we planned to travel from kolang to leh on motorbikes...the very idea of this adventurous trip was exciting us..idea came to me. ..on one fine sunday sipping hot tea at ga tashi's dhaba ..we have a small but dependable group of friends for such ideas to emerge freely.our group is not bound by common age factor but by common was immediatly voted upon and passed.dates were fixed...a couple of liquor meetings to check the preparations ..and we were ready.i had this desire to travel to ladakh and spiti since the time i was appointed here ...two great places to visit being a lahuli and a of my dream was coming true.there is some "thing" about these places that seems attractive to me..a mystic my idea of this journey is not that of a tourist..visiting a new place with amusement and wonder,i wanted to discover myself...the source of my mystic attraction,a desperate attempt of an uprooted budd...
सारे युद्ध कहां लिखे गए अभी ? राख के ढेर पर बेशक नर्म घास उग आई हो , थोड़ा गहरा सा खोद के देखें हड्डियां और बारूद सड़ा नहीं होगा। सब महामारियाँ खत्म कहां हुई अभी ? बाहर से हम बीमार नहीं दिखते बस। किसी अंधेरे मैले कोने में बहुत से अनाम विषाणु अथक प्रतिरूप बना रहे होंगे। चीखें गूंज रही थी स्याह घने कोहरे के आर पार अभी बेशक हल्की रोशनी हुई है धुंधला सा दिखने लगा है आसमान। सिर्फ वक्त का फर्क है शायद या कुछ स्याहियां सूखने का इंतजार शब्दों के बीचोंबीच भी बहुत कुछ लिखा गया है जो अभी पढ़ा जाना बाकी है ।