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sometime the moments you capture with your  eyes, remain imprinted in your memory forever.... till your last breath.

if we can replace your memory with your hard drive.... then the lens of your camera becomes your eyes. And truly..... some moments are imprinted forever.

presenting some of such memorable moments of my life......

there are places where earth and sky meet , they always make mesmerizing  scenes . 

a moment  near kunzum La  in Spiti (Himachal Pradesh )

What if we can wrap the nature around us.

mountains are the beginning and end of all natural scenary.

A road leading to a hill is a good road, its filled with joy and enthusiasm. 

its better to live in a mountain then to live forever.

I studied Biology as my major subject . in my course I read a quote that fascinated me. All life is bottled sunshine.At that time  I didn't understood the exact meaning. 


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